I posted some new recipes. I need to post some new Pakistani ones...will do soon.
NJ - Email me - my addy is off to the right. I'll let you know when i'll be in Jersey. :-)
I posted some new recipes. I need to post some new Pakistani ones...will do soon.
My computer won't stay on for longer than two minutes so i know the hard drive is crashing again. This is the third time since i've had it (2 1/2 years only!). At least this time i'll get a new computer according to the lemon law. Insh'Allah, they won't fight me over it like they have in the past. I've lost so much information, pictures, etc from the hard drive crashing. It won't let me back it up either. Everytime i start to do a backup, it crashes. I think i might play Dr. Kavorkian and assist it in it's slow and miserable death. It's suffered enough as it is. Poor thing.
My little guy is so big and heavy and there just aren't carriers for this size that i like so a friend (can i call internet friends friends?) told me about this website.
I am? woman. Hear me roar.
So i finally met my happy (gay) neighbors a couple doors down. The little girl they adopted is so cute and she was born in my hometown. He was saying how his partner is now staying at home and is looking for things to do and i was mentioning that i was thinking of starting one for just our little subdivision since there's lot of babies being born (like 6 in the last 10 months). He said, "X said that's the one thing he won't do - go to a mom's group." I felt like such a dunce and should have said so but i didn't feel like a dunce until i got home. There's a lot of gay couples in our neighborhood...i'd say 1/3. One is a doctor and his partner is a nurse - i don't know, but i think that's hilariou - it's just such a cliche. There's quite a few doctors in our neighborhood in general. Get this. The one guy - with the little girl - said he went to the pediatrician and guess who the receptionist there was? The runaway bride from GA. Too funny.
See, you guys touched on exactly why we are having a hard time deciding. We have a beautiful house here on a lake in (!) the city. There's no way we could get this in NJ. Also, the house alone couldn't be found there since most of the houses there are old and little and very expensive compared to here. On the other hand, way of life i think would be much better.
If you had to choose between living in Atlanta, GA or NJ, where would you choose to live and why?
I love Hyderabad and I've never even been there. My mother-in-law will be happy to hear i finally have an appreciation for her birthplace.
I just sent the book review that was due yesterday (as in last week) off to the paper, the Little Dude is taking a nap, and i have only one project due in the next few weeks and that one should be pretty easy. I am going to eat some lunch and spend some well deserved time reading and surfing the net and seeing what these so called terrorists are up to. There's something fishy about it to me, like they were set up or something - or maybe just whack jobs and in that case why did they have to get Islam involved. Don't they know we have have trouble on our plate? I'm not saying there's not crazy Muslims out there cause there are. Just look at me! lol. Ah, i must have got my sense of humor back too.
Do you think that I know what I'm doing?
That for one breath or half-breath I belong to myself?
As much as a pen knows what it's writing,
or the ball can guess where it's going next.
- Rumi
I also started writing my book again. If my hard drive crashes and eats it again, i'm gonna go crazy for sure. It's such hard work and losing hard earned writing is like losing a child - you learn to live with but you always wonder what could have been.
and it was so weird! I went with my moms group to check out the daycare school that starts in the fall. Good rates and good play areas but I was very uncomfortable with it all. I don't know why it was so weird. I spent a good portion of my youth in churches but now it feels very odd to me. I don't think i can use them. I do need a day to run errands etc - it would be so much faster if i could leave him for a couple hours while he naps once a week - their rates are great. I think i'll look into finding a babysitter though.
Click here for the movie
There once was two "neighbors," (within the same development) three including the narrator, and all had babies around the same age so of course became "friends."
This is disturbing. Our tax dollars are basically funding racism and hatred. The end is just awful.
Yep, I'm talking about my neighbor again. I tell you - she drives me crazy! Since Little Dude was born and her child was born (a month and a half before him) she has been trying to compete. Every phone call or visit consisted of questioning me about LD's milestones. Her daughter was hitting every milestone right on time or before while my LD was a late bloomer. Most geniuses are. :-) Anyhow, it's always been a competition and i don't get it. I always figured since he laughs a lot and is always happy and very affectionate everything is just fine. Her daughter doesn't quite seem happy and i rarely see her smile. Maybe it's all that pressure. My point is this though - no matter how great your kid is, I will always think mine is better. And no matter how great my kid is, you will always think yours is better. That's the way it works. That's why we take care of and love our own children. There's no point in competing. Besides, my kid really is the best one so you can't even come close. ;-)
So the pain of reading a truly bad book is now behind me. Finally! I've been suffering for days trying to get through it. Every nap Little Dude took was spent reading this waste of a tree. My review has to be sent tomorrow so the new pain of writing the review is about to begin. I usually enjoy my little guys naps. This past week i dreaded them. "Come on Little Dude, you don't wanna sleep, you wanna play! Yay.." Ah, but the bribery didn't work, he slept and i read. Wah wah wah. I don't know how I'm going to write this thing. One good thing about a good procrastinator like me (i've had the book for two months and finished it the day i'm supposed to turn in the review) is that we get a lot done while procrastinating. For example, i disassembled and reassembled LD's stroller since he puked orange stuff all over it while out on a long three hour walk. That was no easy thing to put back together. I went to every baby event this week. I made an involved dinner which took a good three hours. I did every dish and washed every piece of clothing in this house. Hmmm, what else? So so much but i did finally reach the end. Alhamdulillah!
I was talking to one of my neighbors and explaining that in Islam, the woman's main role is to raise righteous children. I explained that women aren't required to cook and clean, they don't have to work either and that if a women wants to be paid for breastfeeding her child, her husband must pay her.
I have two Qur'ans with tafsir from the same person (Pooya). I like his commentary, although sometimes i think he's way over the top and sort of has an agenda of his own and I don't like agendas but for the most part I find him very eloquent and insightful. Both these Qur'ans have different commentaries though which is weird and there's an online version which is different too. He must have kept updating and i have Qur'ans from two different decades. One is very old and the other is pretty new. I also have a Yusuf Ali one and a King Faud one.
Anyone who knows me knows i love anything spelling bees. I love books about spelling bees and movies about spelling bees and spelling bees themselves. I haven't seen the lastest two movies - "Akeelah and the Bee" and "Bee Season" but i did read "Bee Season" and fully intend to watch both movies as soon as LD decides i'm allowed to watch movies again. I watched Spellbound twice a couple years ago.
How is it possible for a person who can keep any green plant alive kill every cactus they've ever owned?