1. While looking at the New York Natural History Museum's Dinosaur exhibit information.
Little Dude: Mommy, i sure wish they had made a sweater.
Mommy: Who honey?
Little Dude: The dinosaurs.
Mommy: What do you mean?
Little Dude: Well if they had made themselves a sweater, they wouldn't have froze and they'd still be here with us.
(lol) he got a big hug with that one
2. While driving to preschool stuck in small town traffic.
Little Dude: Why do we do this?
Mommy: Do what?
Little Dude: Sit in traffic. We could just fly to school.
Mommy: Well you need a special license to fly a plane. Maybe you can go to schol to learn to fly a plane.
Little Dude: Yeah! (long pause) Mommy? Could you help me fly the plane?
Mommy: Sure honey, i'd be your copilot any day. :-)
The sad thing about this last one is when i told him maybe when he's older he can fly a plane a pit hit my stomach because realistically, he probably won't. He's Muslim and has a Muslim name. Muslims and planes don't go together anymore. How sad is that? He loves airplanes. Studies books on them and can tell you all the different types, spends most of his days playing with playmobil airplanes, lego airplanes, drawing airplanes and being an airplane. It bugs me that if he wants to fly a plane as a grown man, he may never get the chance because of who he is. Will things change? For my 4 year old pilot, I sure hope so.
I'm going to try posting a bit more. It's been too long!