I broke BOTH of my arms so will be offline for about six weeks. Please send some prayers my way...
I broke BOTH of my arms so will be offline for about six weeks. Please send some prayers my way...
posted by wayfarer at
9:24 AM
These writings are the footprints of my journey. A convert Muslim hippie chick and free spirit. I love laughter, knitting, quilting, crafting, reading, writing and family life. Why I call myself wayfarer: The path of Islam contains a most comprehensive and total system of conduct for the wayfarer. The outer behavior of a true Muslim reflects what is deep in his inner consciousness.As creation is based on unity, Tawhid as it is called in Arabic, every aspect of human experience reflects an aspect of unity. The Muslim is he who has submitted and surrendered in peace and knowledge to this wholesome and naturally balanced ecology... (from the book "Lantern of the Path".
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