Many of my friends complain about their husbands habits of leaving stuff out, leaving clothes on the floor, etc. So i took a look around my house and guess what, the only things out of place were these items of mine. Oops. I do have a good excuse though. Here was our weekend:
Friday: I had a couple girls over for lunch with their kids. That kept me pretty much busy the afternoon. Afterwards i was exhausted and Little Dude was sleeping so i went on another cleaning rampage (finding much of lunch on the kitchen sticks in the carpet, etc).
Saturday: Exhausting shopping - mostly for gifts which is always hard. Also found a cage for little dude, no more rolling into things - oh okay, it's not a cage, it's one of these. He hates it. He yells at a really really loud scream when i lock em up. Evil evil mother. That night we go out to a dinner party thing and don't go to bed until almost midnight (hence the dupatta throwing off in the middle of the room).

Originally uploaded by wayfarer.
Sunday: After not sleeping most of the night and only getting three hours of sleep, annoying alarm clock summons me up (daylight savings time was no help) and we rush to get out of the house on time over to Zack and Amber's. We get there and call to get buzzed in and hear a sleepy Zack. Ummm, did we have the day wrong? Oop, i bet they forgot to change their clocks. Yup! We wake them up and get going. We drive for two hours and go on a beautiful hike. This is where we went and what we hiked down to:

where we hiked to
Originally uploaded by wayfarer.
There's a little water fall in there if you can see it. We had lunch down there and then hiked back up, hung out a bit and then drove back home through the countryside. I have to admit now after talking all kinds of trash about Georgia's mountains, they really do have mountains here and they really are pretty. They are nothing like the Rockies but are beautiful in their own way. I can still say that redneck's scare me...we stopped for gas and oh dear me, we were both shaking in our sneakers - the rednecks going in and out of there! I don't think they see many brown people around there. We did not go inside. No way. I woulda cause a nice cold drink would have been nice but the big-hairy-no-shirt-wearing-beer-drinking-talking-like-a-hick guy opening doors for people kinda made me change my mind. We got home exhausted. Heated up leftovers and crashed. (other picture deleted) I don't know what my excuse is the rest of the days but i know i have an excuse this time around.
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