Thursday, February 24, 2005

More on Muharram

So we went to the Pakistani mosque and it was different than i had experienced during last Muharram. I was the only convert there and the only white person. Not that it matters but it is amusing when you walk in the door and all talking stops and staring begins. I almost laughed but instead greeted the starers nearest me a hearty as salaam alaikum. I got a few smiles and still some stares. To make myself inconspicuous i sat against the back wall next to some African sisters...they were together also. One was very nice and we had a short but pleasant conversation. Later, a few smiles were shared by others. One elderly woman seemed to like me from her constant glances in my direction...studying me but in a friendly non-judgmental way. I will make an effort to talk to her next time I see her. The English majalis was first and quite good I must say. One of the best I've heard "live" versus downloaded. I enjoyed it. DH is buying the whole set of speeches this week since we both liked the guy. He was a khoja from Orlando. The best thing he spoke about was unity and how we are all one Ummah...sunni's, shias, etc and what one group of Muslims does is the same as what another set does. We are all viewed the same - as Muslims - one Ummah. He also spoke of death and purpose of living. There was much more but i could never say what he said the way he said it nor have the impact he did.

We left when the Urdu began (I'm glad....DH could have stayed and i would have sat there in the women's section and waited but would have been uncomfortable). Oh yeah, this was also the first time that i sat in a separate room completely and couldn't even see the speaker - but on the tv in the ladies section. I really had no complaints about the women's section though. I didn't pray there though and that's usually where the difficulty lies. We thought to go to the khoja mosque since their program is late and then hit the other "radical" mosque and check out the matam...the only place here that they actually use chains. But i was tired and we were leaving town the next day.

Might i add that i have the most wonderful husband in the world. He had to go to Puerto Rico for work and he took me along. I can't say how beautiful it was and how relaxing. I read the entire book I'm reviewing sitting in a shady spot overlooking the beautiful ocean. Such peace. I will post pictures soon insh'Allah of my reading spot. It was so sweet of him to take me along. I am a lucky woman to have such a great guy (not only for this...but for all the thoughtful things he does for me and the special way he treats me...thanks mari jann).

That's about it for me. Now i gotta go get another book reviewed.


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